RTDNF Canada announces 2023-2024 Scholarship Award Recipients

TORONTO, ON (Friday, October 25, 2024) — “We are thrilled to reveal the recipients of the RTDNF scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year,” said Bill Amos, President of RTDNF.

  • Maria Collins from the University King’s College for the Atlantic Association of Broadcasters Scholarship awarded to a student from the Atlantic provinces.
  • Annabel Bessem from Langara College for the BNN / Jim O’Connell Scholarship awarded to the best business story.
  • Mark Henick from Toronto Metropolitan University for the CBC Barbara Frum Scholarship award for the best interview.
  • Annabel Bessem from Langara College for the Global News Diversity Scholarship.
  • Sahaana Ranganathan from Toronto Metropolitan University for the JJ Richards Scholarship awarded to a radio documentary.
  • Kendra Seguin and Noah Brennan from Western University for the RTDNF Scholarship awarded to a second, third year, and graduating students.

The RTDNA George Clark Scholarship is an additional scholarship awarded to one of the winners of the above categories deemed to be the best overall. This year the scholarship will be split equally between Kendra Seguin and Noah Brennan from Western University.

Established in 1978, RTDNF Canada offers financial assistance to students studying electronic journalism and has granted more than $500,000 in scholarships thus far.

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@rtdnacanada.com.
