Judging Procedures and Criteria

The selection of judges for RTDNA Canada 2025 Awards is now open.

These are awards to be presented in 2025 for journalism published in 2024.

Judging of the RTDNA Canada Awards has begun. Thank you to those who have volunteered to judge! CLICK HERE to log-in to your account, view your assignment, and begin scoring.

If you have any questions, please contact us at awards@rtdnacanada.com

Members of RTDNA Canada appreciate the valuable contribution you make to improve audio, digital and video journalism by helping to judge these prestigious awards. Thank you!

Awards Committee, RTDNA Canada
Mary Nersessian – Chair
Espe Currie
Michael Goldberg
Sarah Mills
Janice Neil
Colleen Schmidt

Note:  The information below, Judging Criteria and Rules (PDF), Judging Dates and Deadlines, Judging Criteria and Rules – Quick Reference, Judging Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality, and Awards Categories and Submissions (PDFs): Award Submissions Rules and summary of Regional and National Awards, will help answer questions that may arise while you are engaged in the judging process.

Click the button below to download / print the PDF version of the Judging Criteria and Rules.