Notice of RTDNA Canada 2022 Annual General Meeting
Dear RTDNA Canada Members,
RTDNA Canada is delighted to host the National Conference and Awards Gala in person this year!
The Annual General Meeting of the Radio Television Digital News Association will be held on Friday, June 10, 2022 at the National Conference.
It is very important that members attend the meeting in order to vote for the election of the Board of Directors and to review the state of affairs at RTDNA Canada. A minimum of 25 members must be present at the Annual General Meeting for quorum. We appreciate you setting aside the time for RTDNA Canada and its mission to support and recognize electronic and digital journalism in Canada. We will endeavour to keep the meeting to forty-five minutes or less.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Radio Television Digital News Association will be held:
Date: Friday, June 10, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM (ET)
Location: Hilton Toronto, 145 Richmond Street, West, Toronto M5H 2L2, in the Toronto Ballroom 1.
The following matters will come before the members:
- Call to Order
- 2022- 2023 Board Member Re-Election and Voting on open positions – list of
positions below - Approval of the 2022 Financial Review
- Report from the President
- Report of Portfolios: Awards, Conference, Membership, Regions (East, Central, Prairies and West), Social/Digital, and Sponsorship
- Adjournment
In Person attendance: please email to confirm your attendance.
Voting By Proxy
While your presence at the AGM is preferable, you can still vote if you cannot attend the AGM in person. Voting by proxy allows you to assign your vote to another member and can be submitted in advance.
If you cannot attend the Annual General Meeting on Friday, June 10, 2022, please take a moment to complete the proxy voting form.
List of RTDNA Canada Board positions
International Director
VP – Membership & By-laws
VP – Social and Digital
VP – Sponsorship
Sponsorship Chair
Business Manager
Directors at Large
1. Awards – committee of three
2. Conference – committee of three
Regional Directors (eight)
1. East – two Co-Chairs
2. Central – two Co-Chairs
3. Prairies – two Co-Chairs
4. West – two Co-Chairs
If you are interested in running for any of these positions, or wish to nominate another member, please contact Ian Koenigsfest, Chair of Nominating Committee at
Please click here for more information on Board nominations and here for the Board of Directors Nomination Form.
Deadline: Nominations will be accepted up until the day of the meeting.
All Board positions are open for election at every Annual General Meeting. Each year, many Board members also renew their offer to be nominated and re-elected.
We hope you will join the meeting and thank you in advance for your support of RTDNA Canada.
Fiona Conway,
President, RTDNA Canada
John McKenna
VP – Membership and Bylaws, RTDNA Canada